December 2020 Issue of DollsHouse & Miniature Scene

Don’t miss the December 2020 issue of DollsHouse & Miniature Scene magazine!
It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m really getting into the holiday spirit, especially thanks to the lovely feature of some of my Christmas goodies in the latest issue of DollsHouse & Miniature Scene magazine!
Sadie, the lovely author, has put together a fabulous feature about Christmas traditions from around the world, and I’m delighted she chose to include my Bûche de Noël, eggnog and puddings amongst the other gorgeous global foods.

Once again, I’d like to thank Sadie for the honor of being included in this AMAZING Christmas issue – and if you’re not a subscriber, you’re missing out!
The holidays are going to be unusual this year, to say the least, so I hope everyone celebrating can find moments of joy with their loved ones despite the trying circumstances we find ourselves in.
In the meantime, I’ll be watching HGTV’s Biggest Little Christmas Showdown this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!

As Seen In

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